
Finding uh Club

For our final project for my ICS 314 class, we had to create a group project using the full tech stack. For our group project, we decided to create a club finder for the UH Manoa Campus called findUHClub, a play on words of find a club. I think it is a pretty cool name. The problem we are trying to solve for this project is creating a centralized system where students can filter by what they want and get the clubs they are trying to look for. The current way you can see the list of clubs in UH Manoa is via spreadsheet that is updated by campus facility.


I helped with the mockups of the main components of the page like adding a club, managing a club, seeing the list of clubs in the database, and the club display itself. I also help create the filter button, allowing the user to filter by category and shows the list of clubs in that category. I also helped manage the project by setting up milestones and tasks so that my group members can split up and work efficiently to get to the milestone quickly and efficiently.

What I learned

I learned a lot from this group experience. I learned a lot about group management and how important it is to split up problems into sub-problems and that split those up into even smaller problems if necessary. Also, using Issue Driven Project Management allows us to work on separate branches without interrupting the main branch, helps us solve file conflicts before it gets pushed, and helps us work at our own pace more effectively. I learned a lot about Meteor and React-Bootstrap as well, learning about how databases work, how to connect backend to frontend, and how Meteor subscriptions work and how they can be used to manage databases more effectively. Personally, the biggest thing I took away from this is how simple creating an application is. It is simple to setup a DigitalOcean server, having a good production build, and great teamwork, that you can create an application that helps your community out, albeit most of the Meteor setup was used from a template from our teacher, but still, it shows that even if you are a beginner, you can still make an impact on the community with barely any knowledge.

You can learn more about this project here.