Brayden Danielson


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences and a B.A in Economics in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Fall, 2025.

Interests: Video Games, Sports, Football, Cyber Security, Sleeping


FindUHClub 2023

A website used to find clubs on the UH Manoa Campus.

Meteor React Final Project ICS 314

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Snake Game 2018

My first ever Computer Science project I made.


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Discord Score Tracker 2018

A Discord Bot that displayed the scores of teams in the CyberPatriot cyber security competition.

Java Python

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The Last Dance

14 Dec 2023

My Final Ride in ICS 314 This class has been one of my favorite classes that I’ve taken during my college career. Not only because it is stuff that I actually want to learn and use in my career, but...

Software Engineering ICS 314 Experience

AI don't like it.

21 Nov 2023

Introduction AI is prevalent in today’s Software Engineering field and used a lot in education. A lot of tools using AI are made for the sake of “boosting” productivity. For example, I just used Google Docs’ autocomplete feature that allowed...

Software Engineering AI Reflection

Frame of Mind

05 Oct 2023

Front-end Pain Being a front-end developer is painful. Getting that perfect design that balances usability, elegance, and functionality, then trying to make that into a reality with very clunky and finicky code can be an awful experience. Not only that,...

Frameworks Bootstrap

Standardized Coding

21 Sep 2023

The Standards of Coding Coding standards is a big topic and there are a lot of different standards that people abide by in the Computer Science industry. Personally, coding standards are a good thing since they can help code readability...

Coding Style Standards